Monday, 19 September 2016 17:10

Federal Movement intensified

Kilos Pederal sa Pagbabago convergence on federalism held to push federal-parliamentary system of government at Homitori Hotel in Bangoy Street, Davao City last September 8, 2016.

Usec. Peter Lavina, deputy cabinet secretary for citizens’ participation bared, “Malacanang propose creation of Consultative Commission (CONCOM) to draft proposed revisions of the 1987 constitution adopting federal-parliamentary system.’

Published in News
Friday, 29 July 2016 12:06

Con-Ass replacing Con-Con

There will be no constitutional convention (ConCon), as leaders of Congress have decided to transform the legislative body into a constituent assembly (ConAss) for the purpose of amending the 1987 Constitution.

“It was agreed that Congress will simply form a constitutional assembly to revise the Constitution. There is nothing to worry about because consultations with the people will be ensured,” Speaker Pantaleon “Bebot” Alvarez disclosed before the Management Association of the Philippines yesterday in Makati City.
Published in News
DURING the course of the presidential campaign, now President-elect Rodrigo Duterte had repeatedly stated that he was a left-of-center socialist. Although he sympathized with some elements of the ideology of the extreme left, he did not agree to the use of violence as a way to achieve structural reforms in our society, to ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth.
Published in Commentaries

Rappler - Former members of the 2005 consultative commission from CDPI on Vimeo.

MANILA, Philippines – Eleven years after a consultative commission (ConCom) was formed to study amendments to the 1987 Constitution, its former members are backing the proposal of President-elect Rodrigo Duterte to shift to a federal form of government.

Academicians and former members of the 2005 ConCom discussed the features of the proposed charter change during a conference organized by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) and the Centrist Democracy Political Institute (CDPI) on Friday, June 10.

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