Incompetence Kills

Incompetence Kills

After more than six weeks of the Mamasapano fiasco, things are beginning to clear up – in a “muddled way”, but I thought I will dive into the fray and ask the readers to help me sort things out – or muddle things further.

As a connoisseur of conspiracy theories, schemes and political intrigues and extracting from reports in social-media, I may advance my own take with scenarios whose viability I needed to structure or at least be convinced of– thus putting a certain sense of logic to this tragedy.

I start with the American War on Terror. This global intention to apply the Bush Doctrine that “ can run but you can’t hide...” is at the bottom of this storyline. Marwan & Usman with $5 million & $1 million price tags on their heads were the justifiable rationale.(To be fair to the families of the deceased, I doubt that this was the policemen’s motivation. As for their leadership nonetheless, it is not farfetched).

With these juicy amounts for the taking draped in the cloak of our own legitimate concerns to run after “outlaws” – defined by American jurisprudence, the “dramatis personae” were now set to insert their own roles.

First in the cast of characters was the top police general who in fact had been shadowing these two terrorists for the good part of 2014. Several “oplans”for their capture have reportedly been jeopardized by the ongoing peace talks and “cease-fire” in place between the Philippine Army and the MILF. In effect, the police can’t trust the military and the MILF that have been harboring these two.

The suspension of General Purisima did not affect his status as the point man as he has the full confidence of the Pnoy – having been his “yaya” for years. And so, the 1st victim was the concept of “chain-of-command” with the two unfortunate casualties General Espina, the designated dummy replacement and the clue-less Mar Roxas – technically the immediate boss of the generals. Some notions proffered by the naughty is that if successful – glory would be greatly attributed to the disgraced General and his Patron the Pnoy – and perhaps repair the former’s tattered reputation. As it turned out it buried the good General and Pnoy had to bail out on him.
Enter General Napeñas, the hapless gung-ho US special forces-trained head of the SAF who might have been inspired by the “zero-dark thirty” capers of team seal six. In the fine tradition of the PMA-schooled, he declared “I am responsible...” – only to pass on the buck later when confronted by an array of senatorial inquisitors.

The Philippine Military who couldn’t come to the rescue of the brave and dying men because “...there was no coordination beforehand...” was a lame excuse for this “professional” institution.

Other victims were the “Peace Processors” Miriam Coronel - Ferrer and Secretary Ging Deles who assumed upon themselves irresponsibly the task of defending the MILF as its factotums and spokespersons– in spite of their job as negotiators from the GRP side.
And in the aftermath, the total lack of empathy by a leader to read the mood of his people and commiserate with them at a time of their bereavement.
If one looks at the cost-benefit of the absurdity of the exercise, we can now come up with this morbid equation.
1 bomb-making Malaysian terrorist equals:
  • 67 Filipino dead with countless number of collateral damage – their families;
  • The BBL now hanging by the thread in Congress, and even the decades-long peace-process itself;
  • The working relationship between the Philippine National Police and the Philippine Military – despite the recent PR show of “kapit-bisig”;
  • The fallacy to some observers that the MILF are “freedom-fighters”, after that sordid video capture of applying “coup de grace” or outright execution of the wounded SAF; and
  • The majesty, stature &credibility of a Presidency occupied by an incompetent leader.
Mamasapano was a terrible mistake!
Read 4479 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 March 2016 13:50
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