Centrist Democracy Political Institute - Items filtered by date: October 2024
Thursday, 10 October 2024 01:13

A different kind of Marcos

Third of a series

IMEE did the unexpected. She opted out of BBM's administration alliance senatorial lineup. To refresh our memories, with former president GMA, Imee, the chief strategist, conceptualized the 2022 UniTeam, propelling BBM and Sara to victory. Imee sold the idea to former president Duterte, who was not keen on having his daughter run as BBM's vice president. The Deegong wanted Sara to run for president and confront BBM "mano-a-mano." The headstrong daughter Sara prevailed. Thus, was forged the strong sisterhood of Imee and Sara.

The UniTeam was an alliance of two political dynasties. "One from the old, discredited dynasty from the North out to regain its preeminence established by its patriarch half a century ago when Ferdinand Sr. sought to restructure Philippine society through his martial law regime. They were booted out 38 years ago by the now defunct dynasty that failed to sustain its hold on power but gave birth serendipitously to the current dynasty from the South — the Dutertes — (starting from) when Cory Aquino appointed the Deegong to the lowly post of Davao City OIC vice mayor

The Cojuangco-Aquino dynasty had no sons and daughters in positions of power, unlike the Marcos and Duterte clans. These families understand only too well the path to dominance and what it takes to get there — the sheer determination to accumulate raw power, wealth and pelf and the distribution of largesse to its allies, blind loyalty only to its own, and destruction of its rivals and perceived enemies." ("Clash of dynasties," The Manila Times, March 6, 2024)

This was perhaps very clear to Imee, that the path to rehabilitating her father's image was through an alliance with the Dutertes through Sara. But this partnership, by its very nature, was ephemeral at best. Imee's vision may have been for the two forces from the North and South to co-exist politically. But it was not to be.


The UniTeam's break-up weighed heavily on Imee as she is now caught in the middle — between a rock and a hard place — between the Marcos and Duterte dynasties' fight for political dominance in the coming years, perhaps even generations. But the background to this is a compelling study in internal family dynamics.

In a family steeped in Filipino tradition, we follow the concept of primogeniture — the oldest child has preeminence over the younger siblings; Imee, the oldest, is by rights the custodian of the family legacy. The Marcos literature is steeped in BBM, the spoiled one being the only male as Imelda's favorite. Imee was the father's. But more importantly, earlier in their youthful years, Imee displayed the brains and the street smarts Macoy was predisposed to. The female version of Ferdinand Sr. And the hard-headedness as shown when she defied mother Imelda on her dalliance with Tommy Manotoc (divorced from Au-au Pijuan, though Dominican Republic divorces are unrecognized in the Philippines).

'Maid in Malacañang'

This film, produced by Imee, is a fictional tale of the last three days in Malacañang during the EDSA People's Power Revolution of 1986. This provided the backdrop of the relationship of the siblings, "Ate" Imee and "Ading" BBM. Bongbong was depicted as the weak, groveling son seeking the approbation of a beleaguered father, while Imee was shown as the stronger older sister who held the family together before their exile. In a critique of the movie, Direk Cirilo has this to say: "...the movie and its depiction of BBM [was] the worst negative ad campaign against the president-elect, but the most honest opinion of BBM as a man."

This description did not sit well with BBM's spouse Liza — a fiercely protective mother hen — perhaps one of the many incidents that widened the rift between the sisters-in-law, a common occurrence in many family disputes.

Imee and Liza

These two strong-willed, powerful women in-laws could have exacerbated the rift between the two political dynasties. Imee's soul-sister Sara became anathema to Liza in that famous "bangag" incident ("Clash of dynasties," TMT, March 6, 2024). And Imee's continued loyalty to Sara is unacceptable to the influential Malacañang occupant, Liza. Despite the public display of family unity, Imee was persona non grata to Liza's Malacañang. If rumors are to be believed, not one of Imee's recommendations for a sinecure for her allies passed Liza's scrutiny. They never reached BBM's desk for approval and appointment. Again, if rumors are to be believed.

Senatorial fight in 2025

If one examines BBM's senatorial lineup, one sees an anthology of traditional politicians (trapos), tired old ex-senators longing for a comeback, questionable senators with records of corruption but sanitized with electable branded names, dregs and discards of old Marcos-Duterte alliance. Strangely, with the kind of party politics existing in the country today, to be included in the administration line-up with the huge logistics and presidential patronage, the chance of winning a seat is a real possibility. Imee's decision to go independent is puzzling at best.

An enigma, Imee was proselytizing about "a path and principles of my father," declaring, "... as his eldest, I choose to stand free and firm, like him, in believing that there should be no allegiance but to the Filipino people... It is never easy to stand alone in campaigns and politics... But that is the legacy my father left me, the legacy of 'Apo Lakay'... I chose to stand alone so that my 'adding' (sibling) would no longer be put in a difficult position, and my true friends won't hesitate. I choose to remain free and loyal — not to any group but to every Filipino." And in a very personal but maudlin way... "Thirty-five years ago, I made a promise to honor his life's work by building on this foundation. In some way, I hope that I have made you proud, Dad. We miss you every day."


I am not privy to the senator's thought process and, therefore, am unable to fathom her statements. But my experience with politicians and years of divining their actuations allow me the aptitude to translate her elegant, but to many incoherent, peroration.

Imee's friendship with Sara is true and deep. Upon crafting the UniTeam in 2022, there must have been an unspoken arrangement for Sara's turn at the presidency in 2028. It was a fair quid pro quo that may not have met the ambitions of the other dramatis personae. For one, the Marcos family must have felt that six years of BBM's term was not enough to rehabilitate Macoy's image or resurrect his legacy. None among them can take the cudgels after BBM. Liza's children are as yet unripe. Enter, therefore, the billionaire and self-proclaimed surrogate, House Speaker Martin Romualdez, out to pervert the Constitution with a revision favoring his position under a parliamentary system of government — as prime minister. An abomination to Senator Imee.

Imee, caught between her friendship with Sara and sympathy for the Dutertes and loyalty to BBM, may have no other recourse but to tread a middle path — not with her brother's, Martin's, and Liza's party, not with the Deegong's, but to go it alone as an independent. A heroic stand, a political suicide or simply what the old Filipinos call — amor propio!

Published in LML Polettiques
Wednesday, 02 October 2024 23:44

The woman DDS love to hate

Second of a series

LAST week's column ended with first lady Liza Araneta-Marcos stepping into controversy. She didn't burst into the scene, but it was a seemingly nonchalant depiction of a video clip at the airport departure ceremonies for the first couple leaving for a state visit to Vietnam. As is traditional for the president leaving the country, government VIPs send the first couple off. During such occasions, the president, by protocol, troops the line of VIPs bidding them a safe journey before he goes up the plane.

The first lady, who was not required to troop the line, arrested her climb to the plane and side-stepped to warmly greet with a "beso-beso" Executive Secretary Bersamin, the third highest-ranking government official standing beside Vice President Sara Duterte — by etiquette, the last VIP the President talks to bidding the president bon voyage. Liza shattered decorum and, in a simple gesture of indelicacy — never even gave VP Sara a nod. It was a monumental snob! And in bad taste!

Sara's fiercely loyal fan base, her Davao constituents, where she was mayor for three consecutive terms, was aghast. The Diehard Duterte Supporters (DDS), the Deegong's group that propelled him to the presidency in 2016 and now championing the daughter, are now targeting their guns at Malacañang, where a weak president with a strong and imperious consort resides. VP Sara supporters, the new DDS, have now selected another woman as their bete noire.

The rift

It all started with "Bangag'! ("Filipino women in high-stakes politics" and "Clash of dynasties," The Manila Times, Sept. 25, 2024 and March 6, 2024, respectively). In an interview with Liza (published by GMA Integrated News, April 19, 2024), "First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos said she had been avoiding Vice President Sara Duterte to show her resentment after the latter's father, former president Rodrigo Duterte, called President Ferdinand 'Bongbong' Marcos Jr. 'bangag,' or high on drugs. According to Ivan Mayrina's report on '24 Oras,' the first lady said she took offense when she saw the vice president laughing over the former president's remark at a rally in Davao City in late January. The first lady said the vice president was a 'bad shot' for her unless she said sorry or whatever. 'I'm many things, but I am not a hypocrite,' the first lady said in an interview on the 'Tune in kay Tunying.'"

This was not a preview to a catfight between strong-willed women. Behind this is the deeper rivalry between the Marcos and Duterte political dynasties. Sara, who gave way to BBM for the presidency, naively lent the Duterte family's popularity, particularly in Mindanao, to propel BBM to the presidency. Marcos owes Sara and the Dutertes for his triumph. With this, Sara rightfully was entitled to the position of the "heiress-in-waiting." BBM's children in elective positions are deemed yet unripe for the presidency. Rep. Sandro Marcos, BBM's oldest, at 33 years, needs maturation. Sen. Imee's third son, Gov. MJ of Ilocos Norte, is not in the line of succession, and his two older brothers are not into politics.

This coming 2025 midterm elections will lay the groundwork for the perpetuation of either of these dynasties. In the absence of a Marcos heir, a suitable substitute is needed. Enter the Marcos surrogate, the billionaire House Speaker Martin Romualdez, who, together with first lady Liza, form a formidable political alliance. These two are believed to hold the levers of power in government, with perhaps the acquiescence of the clueless president.


Among spouses of male Philippine presidents, Liza Araneta-Marcos ranks as perhaps the most accomplished. A practicing lawyer and an academic, she finished at the country's best schools, studied abroad and for a time lived in New York. The first glimpse of Liza's public demeanor was her interview with Boy Abunda in March 2022, just after her husband won the presidency. Asked if she was taking a government post, her retort: "I'll cross the bridge when I get there. But if ever, teaching will be good. I'm a lawyer. But entering government? No way. They can't afford me," she said with a laugh. "I'll fire all of them. I'm very New York, so it has to be my way or the highway," Liza added.

Such a response with a tinge of arrogance could be dismissed as "tongue in cheek." But just at the cusp of her new role as a first lady and wife of a Marcos, one can't dismiss the eerie feeling of déjà vu, harking back to another first lady of the 3,000 pairs of shoes.

It is unfair at this point to compare Liza to Imelda, but many of the old Marcos loyalists and protagonists still remember the infamous conjugal dictatorship — and the dread that it could be reprised in a contemporary setting. Looking back, Imelda was one of a kind, not so much for her influence over Macoy, especially in the closing days of his regime, but for being a polarizing figure who both elicited admiration and vilification.

Macoy's first lady was a woman of leisure, known for her profligacy in her New York shopping sprees, her extravagant parties, her well-choreographed state visits, and her hobnobbing with the jet-setters and Hollywood celebrities. She was appointed secretary of her own cabinet-ranked human settlements department and was elected to the Marcos "Batasang Pambansa," from whence she parlayed her position and prestige to indulge in her "edifice complex"; a slew of "Centers" — Cultural Center, Philippine Heart Center, Lung Center, Philippine International Convention Center, Manila Film Center, the Coconut Place, San Juanico Bridge — and all these are still standing.

Her extravagant lifestyle and vast collections of prime property, artwork and jewelry are emblematic of the corruption and excesses of the Marcos regime. Ferdinand Macoy is gone while Imelda lives. Urban legend has assumed a certain patina of truth: that Imelda caused the husband's downfall. Filipinos are currently fearful of a virtual doppelganger.

Unholy alliance

Liza is not an Imelda. She doesn't possess the beauty, the elegance, the stature and the political acumen of the "Iron Butterfly." But she has the intellect, the fierce qualities of a protective mother hen and the manipulative subtlety of a New Yorker, as seen in how she pushes Speaker Martin out front and center to do her bidding — demolishing Sara at the budget hearings, fronted by the speaker's acolytes, the shameless duo, Quimbo and Abante, who in the course of their inquisition lay themselves open to societal opprobrium over their public display of unexplained wealth — branded luxury watches and Birkin bags.

An erstwhile Malacañang insider minced no words in describing the first lady. Vic Rodriguez, BBM's close friend and chief strategist during the 2022 election campaign, who was rewarded with the choice position of executive secretary was unequivocal on who runs the country: "Araneta-Marcos wanted to insert her influence into revenue-generating offices like the Bureau of Customs (BoC), Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp. (Pagcor), and Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO). She even called meetings at Malacañang with Cabinet members."

Make no mistake, the puppet strings are being pulled by the lady in Malacañang.

Published in LML Polettiques