DILG enjoins all barangays to hold Barangay Assembly on Oct. 9 brgymuzon-kapmar.weebly.com

DILG enjoins all barangays to hold Barangay Assembly on Oct. 9


PASIG CITY, Sept. 26 - The country’s more than 42,000 barangays are set to hold their respective Barangay Assembly Day on Sunday, October 9, 2016, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) announced.

Proclamation No. 260 issued on September 30, 2011 declared the last Saturday of March and the second Sunday of October 2011 and every year thereafter as barangay assembly days.

With the theme: “Para sa Isang Tunay na Pagbabago, Mag-MASID, Makisali at Makiisa sa Isang Maka-MASAng Asembleya,” DILG Secretary Ismael D. Sueno said the 2nd barangay assembly this year shall include the discussion of issues affecting the barangay such as illegal drugs problem, peace and order situation, disaster preparedness and solid waste management, among others.

In a directive, Sueno enjoined barangay officials to discuss their compliance to other DILG memo circulars such as the implementation of the MASA-MASID program of the DILG o Mamamayang Ayaw Sa Anomalya, Mamamayang Ayaw Sa Iligal na Droga, allocation of a portion of the annual budget for anti-illegal drugs programs, projects, and activities and strengthening of the Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils.

He said punong barangays and the sanggunian are also expected to deliver their State of the Barangay Addresses (SOBAs) which will include the presentation of their accomplishments and financial reports covering the first semester of 2016.

He also instructed barangay officials to invite members of faith-based groups within the barangay like Ugnayanng Barangay at Simbahan (UBAS), civil society and other community organizations to attend the assembly and rally for their support and involvement in project monitoring and evaluation and in advocating good local governance.

Barangay officials are also directed to undertake public awareness activities by hanging posters and banners about the conduct of the barangay assembly in conspicuous places like the barangay hall, plaza, main streets, public market ortalipapa, or transport terminals. They should generate participation in the assembly through medical and dental missions,tyangge or bazaars and cultural presentations, etc.

The DILG, through its National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO), is spearheading the preparations for the national barangay assembly twice every year.

The barangay assembly day on Oct. 9 is also part of the 25th anniversary of the Local Government Code celebration this year. (DILG)

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- See more at: http://news.pia.gov.ph/article/view/1141474609390/dilg-enjoins-all-barangays-to-hold-barangay-assembly-on-oct-9

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