LML Polettiques (419)

Right is might is right — a mirror image

Wednesday, 15 November 2023 20:44 Written by
AT the end of the Second World War, along with the advent of a bipolar world, the behavior of the hegemons America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) defined the global power dynamics. Both countries were perceived to…

Toward a tragic prognosis

Wednesday, 08 November 2023 22:51 Written by
Fourth of a seriesTHE world has never been in a more precarious period than these days. The Middle East is about to blow up, with Israel and Hamas providing the fuse. And it is lit! Israel has invaded Gaza to…

Who are the bigger terrorists?

Wednesday, 01 November 2023 08:35 Written by
Third of a seriesTHE last two parts of this column depicted the many faces of terrorism, highlighting both Israel and Hamas. Both sides are currently hogging the headlines claiming the high ground, preaching to their own choirs, and appealing to…

The many faces of terrorism

Thursday, 26 October 2023 19:29 Written by
Second of a seriesTHE world has condemned what is transpiring between Israel and Hamas as terrorism, pure and simple. A concerted missile barrage from Gaza was launched toward Israel with no specific targets except to do maximum harm to the…

Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Genesis of terrorism

Thursday, 19 October 2023 22:06 Written by
THE last few days, Ukraine was relegated to the back burner, eclipsed by another war. By now, the world is familiar with the circumstances surrounding this war.After breaking through Israel's security barrier last October 7, Hamas militants gunned down entire…

Autocratic pragmatism — one final act

Thursday, 12 October 2023 20:54 Written by
DEMOCRACY failed us! The crux of this six-part series. For a century, we wasted what initially was a good thing, foisted upon us "little brown brothers" as a patronizing experiment. America's first-ever foray into the Far East was essential to…

How do we fix our democracy

Wednesday, 04 October 2023 19:47 Written by
THIS is the penultimate part of a series of columns on democracy. Focus was placed on four countries in Asia — China, Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea — comparative to the Philippines, extracting their best practices in governance, whether such…

Asian models of governance

Wednesday, 27 September 2023 23:27 Written by
IN past columns, we made a case for pursuing alternatives to our kind of democracy that is not working as intended by our American colonialists. We compared democratic governments and authoritarian regimes — isolating criteria that could work for us…
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